[center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjEwNi5lZmFiZTUuVW05ellXNXVZU0JNYVdGdVp3LjI/littlelordfontleroy.regular.png[/img][/center][hr] Rosanna was right behind Alvin when the door suddenly swung open right in front of them and was ready to caught him as he almost fell. Rosie look at the butler up and down, she never see a butler that tall and big before, butlers are supposed to be small and slim, not Magersfontein Lugg like those Albert Campion novels that her friend reads at night, she now wonders if Mister Red and the butler were to say, have a brawl, who would win? Her bet is on Mister Red. Her thoughts of betting was quickly cut short, when the butler ask the invitations. Rosanna and the others just show their invitations to the coachman and now he wants to see them too? Rosanna sigh, no wonder there are rumors around this place, their securities is tight, little too tight but she can't argue that much, this is a rich mansion that owns by a rich lady after all. Rosanna pull out her invitation and hand it to the butler [color=f49ac2]"And before you ask, I won't get too drunk at the party. I mean, a gal needs to civilize to fancy the guest"[/color] Rosie say to the butler with a wink. [@Romero]