[h1][color=33FF99][sub][b]Emerald Miasma Agency[/b] Agency of Nikushimi Shinsetsuna[/sub][/color][/h1] [i]Approximately 2.4km or 1.36 miles from Eirei[/i] [img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse4.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.EvgClThqRlThTtt1iCo3FAHaEo%26pid%3DApi&f=1[/img] A beautiful penthouse on the outskirts of the city easy on the eyes in quaint, yet lovely colors. Iron gates guarded exterior, and curtains prevented looking in from a distance. This was the agency of the Fourth Pillar Hero, Nikushimi Shinsetsuna: The Malicious Hero. Behind the walls, one could tell this was the home of one who greatly appreciated herself: a living room space large enough to house an entire showroom of cars, a pantry stocked with delicious sweets and alcohols you seldom ever knew the name of, and warm lights that make the room feel fuzzy and quaint in your heart. You wouldn’t think that this was an agency for a Hero, but the truth is beneath the layer of finery and hedonism. This house held secrets. The day was growing long, and as the school of Eirei Academy was prepared to release its students for the dorms, a black car rolled up to the perimeter, the driver presented an identification with the name [i]”Emerald Miasma.”[/i] This was the transport for the students who had been approved for Snake-Eyes’ internship training, which would only be undeniably thorough. Officially. a number of students were chosen over the rest to train under her: Keiji Matsushima, Shinon Yukimura, Konig Dietrich, Kato Emiho, Heidi Thomas, and Phoebe Carmichael. This was the start of their internship with Snake-Eyes. Prior to this, Nikushimi had received a message from Glaser herself, asking to take Yukimura Shinon in as one of the interns. That, of course was her decision, not her mother’s. [img] https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/842593220734746665/843489685509898270/image0.jpg[/img] The common room was buzzing with concerned and fear. Nikushimi stood outside in the hallway waiting for them, they would be unable to miss, or confuse the presence of someone such as her. She didn’t care about rounding children up, besides, they were no doubt rattled from the news, so it would be best to let them take things in while they could, before they had to train. The Malicious Hero wore a dark green overcoat, with her jet black hair braided behind her hair. Her piercing jade eyes and jagged razor teeth made her stand out among most. Snake-Eyes had an air of domination about her, like she could stomp anyone into the ground at any second, hence her reputation. After Zeal’s demise, along with virtually all of the modern day heroes, the survivors have been put in a position where overtime is the new normal. No one can grow complacent. In that sense, Zeal was one of the very few real heroes society every had. She could overhear their conversations, they were al gathered in class A to discuss what happened. Communication was vital. This much they all understood, with everything that’s happened, they had to. [hr] [img] https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/UDDlroTupm84eQZ1emRF22dAMyq7Mb04jN4HCtsnvXw/https/media.discordapp.net/attachments/846175233161166909/846190360190517288/unknown.png[/img] [h1][color=6633ff][b]Yozoru Hoshi[/b] [sub]The Cosmic Hero[/sub][/color] [/h1] Needless to say, Yozoru was distraught. Between the absolute massacre of so many heroes, the number one hero Zeal’s death, and Enka’s abandonment, nothing was okay. Everyone was in distress, Keiji was now the new rep for class 1a, and Sasuke was drilling everyone about this situation. [color=6633ff]”This really isn’t the time to be nagging each other.”[/color] Said the girl with neon bioluminescent hair, and glowing blue eyes. Yozoru stood up and marched over to Sasuke, Keiji, and Amaya. She wore a crop top, and a skirt with thin leggings. A little underdressed by comparison, but no one bothered her over it, given her quirk. [color=6633ff]”We’re all in need of someone to help us. Zeal’s gone. That means we gotta help ourselves right now. I...I don’t know what happened with Enka, I miss him. His family misses him, but missing him isn’t gonna bring him back. It won’t bring Zeal back!”[/color] There was a tone of intensity backed by genuine sympathy for her classmates. Sasuke always gave them this kind of talk. He definitely felt right at home in the position of class B’s rep. While Amaya was easily one of the more powerful in her students in her class, Yozoru filled that role in her own. However, Snake-Eyes was right. [color=6633ff]”It’s like they said in the conference, we can’t just fill in seats in a hierarchy or whatever, everyone needs to make Zeal’s legacy the bare minimum. Heroes are crippled right now, we can’t sit here and lecture each other all day, we need to train! We need to get out there and handle villains, the league, and everyone who threatens society!”[/color] There was no denying the fact that Ryukazuki was waging war with the world, even if no one wanted to say it. [color=6633ff]”Whenever the pros arrive, we all need to be there and get a spot. Japan needs every hero it can get right now. The death toll was over 140,000. I don’t like it either, but someone has to step up, and it’s gonna be us.”[/color] Wherever Enka ran off to, he left a hole in his wake. He was a symbol of dignity and respect at Eirei. The students looked to him for guidance, he was like a leader to them. Yozoru felt the impact of his betrayal just as much as the rest, but she couldn’t let it get to her. That’s what the League of Villains wanted them to do: get complacent. They will inevitably take advantage of this vulnerability that has been exposed in hero society. Everyone has to step up, there is no room for waiting. [color=6633ff]”Everybody needs to become greater than Zeal.”[/color] In the corner of her eye, she spotted the presence of someone intimidating...Yozoru turned around to see the fourth there behind them. [color=6633ff]”Snake-Eyes? Are you here for the recruitment?”[/color] [color=33FF99]”Yes, I am.”[/color] she replied with a smooth, devilish voice. [sub][@Lord Indra][@Landaus Five-One][@BlackMaiden][@BlackMaiden][@Inertia][/sub]