[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/1trNZ24.png[/img] [color=orange]Location: Happy Harbour Interaction: No one really.[/color][/center] As the craziness died down and one of their teachers finally arrived, Kassandra found herself relaxing just slightly. It was strange to be praised, though she wasn’t sure that Green Arrow actually meant it. He seemed very out of sorts. Maybe because someone had nearly died on his watch? Or lack of watch. What had he been up to anyway? Once Black Canary showed, things began to organize. It was clear which one of them was in charge. She watched Talon stalk off with the medical kit, and Daphne simply take off running somewhere. Kassy knew she’d have to find a way to apologize for her own behavior earlier. Yelling at Daphne probably hadn’t helped anything in the situation. Kassy knew that having powers could have drawbacks, especially when emotions were involved. At the same time, she wasn’t sure how else it could have been handled. Mostly, the young Atlantean had managed to surprise herself. She hated being yelled at, so she was shocked that her voice could get some volume behind it. Lost in her thoughts, she started back toward the sparring area. There, she picked up her staff and started to prepare herself for battle. She honestly could have done without the sparring, but she wasn’t going to say a word to Black Canary. [color=orange]“Today’s a mess, Damiek. Are we really supposed to be a team?”[/color] She just knew the others would think she was insane if she were heard speaking to her weapon, so she tried to keep it quiet. [color=orange]“So many of us are broken. And I don’t think these teachers are up to the fixing. I guess we’ll have to glue ourselves together.”[/color]