[hr][hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Sz1t1dr.png[/img] [hr][b][color=#00bf60]Location:[/color][/b] Camp Half-Blood - The Big House [b][color=#00bf60]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A [/center] [hr][hr] Stella looked at Jason and Janelle and blinked a bit as they spoke. Growing up in San Francisco she had heard a lot of different accents but theirs was unique and sometimes a little hard to decipher in her mind. She got that they were siblings, same mom, different god dads. She was wondering how often that happened and was about to ask that before her stomach gave a loud growl once again reminding her that she had skipped breakfast to run away from the manticore. [color=#00bf60]"I figured ask just in case. I dunno if the food is available all the time. Better to ask than get there and find that I missed breakfast."[/color] Stella took Kristin's hand and smiled up at the taller teenager as they walked together in that little group. She did notice two strange things as they walked. One, it was warmer than when she had arrived, and she didn't think she would feel like that going outside from a warm building. The second thing was a car, in the middle of the camp, far away from anywhere any normal person would park a car, and it was a convertible with the roof down to boot. So, that was strange, and she wanted to ask about it. However the questions were answered when Kristin told her that the tall blond that seemed to radiate warmth was Apollo. [color=#00bf60]"Wait? The Apollo? The sun god? He's here? Why is he here? What is he doing in the dining hall? Is that common? Do gods come down a lot to visit us? Is that his car? Is that is why it got so much hotter? I mean that doesn't make sense since the sun is up there, and he's also here? How does that even work?"[/color]