[hr][hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/C6tQzCu.png[/img] [color=#EDDA74]Location:[/color] Niflheim [color=#EDDA74]Skills:[/color] Spear Attack, swimming, helping Arnora[/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ERxXJHE.png[/img] [color=888383]Location:[/color] Niflheim [color=888383]Skills:[/color] Spear Attack[/center] [hr][hr] Lara saw the ice thickening around the boat more and she grinned as it did seem that Arnora was doing it. They continued to row to the shore, when disaster struck. A giant got too close and caused water to wash over them, and the cloak was pulled off of them. She gasped at that as the cloak floated to the bottom of the boat, exposing the three of them to the giant. She could tell that the giant was happy to see them, but seeing that giant lick her lips worried her. She tugged her pendent off and her spear extended in her hands as she got ready to attack. Astrid had felt the cloak fall off of them and she went to gather it up when she realized that the giant had caught wind of them at that point. She pulled out her own spear and tried to size up the giant and aim before she tossed it. The spear landed firmly into his shoulder, causing the giant to let out a cry of pain. [color=#EDDA74]"No sense in hiding now... they will soon all be upon us, so we need to get back to shore and then run!"[/color] [color=888383]"Agreed but we need to get Arnora!"[/color] Lara lobbied her own spear and thankfully she had some good aim, as it lodged itself into one the giant's eyes, and it let out a roar of rage. Lara grinned at that as the giant was now at least half blind until she got her spear back, or even longer at that point. She wasn't sure if she had permanently blinded the giant, but at that moment they did have more pressing issues. The giant was still coming towards them, and the cries of rage were soon to call other to stop them. [color=#EDDA74]"I'll help Arnora!"[/color] Astrid saw Arnora on a sheet of ice, looking a bit worn out, and she shed her bag and then dove into the water and went to swim to Arnora's aid, and to help her out from the cold water. She gently looped her arm around Arnora and went to help her swim to the shore. She could feel the cold penetrating her clothing, the cold permeating her skin and freezing her a bit. However she wouldn't focus on that, as the goal was to get their companion back to the shore with them.