[center][h1][color=00aeef]Singrid[/color][/h1][/center] [i]Singrid had fought desperately to be able push back the attacking enemy however it was in vain, the clan was forced to retreat. Many had not made it out alive she was a lucky one, but only because one of the other warriors forcefully pulled her way from the battle field. [/i] She had spent the last week, since arriving here, cleaning and fixing up the place she called her home. Deciding, since there was extra space, to move out from the family that raised her and live on her own. It had been something she had been planning to do anyway. Seeing as she had hit the age where finding out what happened to her old clan was at the top of her to-do-list. Though with the recent attack on the clan she now called family and friends she was getting the sense that this happened to her own clan many years prior. She also assumed that her clan had not been as lucky and probably hadn't made a grand escape. This thought irritated her, and she chucked the last of the debris out the door only for it to hit a random dragon that have been seated outside watching her. The dragon snarled at the red head to which she seemed to snarl back. [color=00aeef]"Well if you weren't in the way maybe you wouldn't have gotten hit."[/color] It seemed all Singrid ever did was get irritated at the curious beasts around her. Sure the dragons fascinated her, however their own curiosity caused them to get in her way. Just the other day she had been training with her axe and had nearly taken one out that got to close. This of course ended in the hot headed female yelling at the beast to get out of the way. She had been angry for a solid week and had done her best to keep busy and not yell at every one around her.