[hider=Hannah Bennet] [center][color=goldenrod][h1][b]Hannah Bennett[/b][/h1][/color][/center] [center][img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.tracking-board.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2017%2F12%2Fgodless-michelle-dockery.jpg&f=1&nofb=1[/img][/center] [center][color=goldenrod][i]"God gave me a gun fer a reason an' I intend ta find out why..."[/i][/color][/center] [b][color=goldenrod]Name:[/color][/b] Hannah Faye Bennet [b][color=goldenrod]Gender:[/color][/b] Female [b][color=goldenrod]Race:[/color][/b] Caucasian [b][color=goldenrod]Nationality:[/color][/b] American; mother was Irish immigrant, father was half German half Native American (French Cherokee) [b][color=goldenrod]Age:[/color][/b] 27 [b][color=goldenrod]Occupation:[/color][/b] Farmer's daughter turned Rancher's wife. [b][color=goldenrod]Faction:[/color][/b] No official faction yet, hunting for an outlaw that killed her husband and son. [b][color=goldenrod]Family:[/color][/b] Eldest child of James Scherrer and Josephine O'Brien Scherrer, successful farmers in mid Missouri (living siblings-James Jr "Jimmy" 25, Johnny 21, Daniel 20, Mary 17, and Irene 14), wife of the late Jeremy Bennet (a well known rancher in these here parts with a family ranch in the Plains), mother of William Bennet (was murdered at age 4), sister in law to Henry Bennet (18) and Annie Mae Bennet (14). [b][color=goldenrod]Horse:[/color][/b] Zippidy-doo-dah "Zip" is a strawberry roan colored Appaloosa with a white blanket. She is the last of the broodmares on the Bennet ranch after the outlaws ransacked her place and was Hannah's husband's pick for cattle drives. Zip is a stubborn, but loyal beast who is more like a large dog, never straying far from her human if she can help it. [hider=Zip][img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fc1.staticflickr.com%2F3%2F2778%2F4082958703_9d4341a0b6.jpg&f=1&nofb=1[/img][/hider] [b][color=goldenrod]Equipment:[/color][/b] Hannah carries her husband's Remignton Beals riffle and Smith and Wesson model 3 pistol. She also has two knives on her person, one on her belt and one in a garter band on her thigh. [b][color=goldenrod]Skills:[/color][/b] Hannah is one heck of an animal person and is even better at sewing up a man, for cattle driving is one heck of a nasty business. She has a wide knowledge of native plants as well and some basic medicinal knowledge. [b][color=goldenrod]Personality:[/color][/b] Before everything was taken from her, Hannah was a sweet little wall flower of a woman. Raised to be a lady but married into a rough and tough rancher family, Hannah learned to enjoy the hard work that her parents had hoped she would never have to endure. She would take time to watch the small things in nature and had always hoped to one day get some oil paints and paint the beauty of the world around her. That all changed when a band of outlaws robbed her family's ranch, killing the men and riding off with everything they could carry. Now she is a stoic, hardened woman who would be more likely to rip up a painting than create one. She is focused on one thing and one thing alone.... revenge. [b][color=goldenrod]Likes/Dislikes:[/color][/b] In her depression she has very little love of anything beyond her horse and her husband's gun, which she cleans obsessively. She has recently also found a love for rum, which she carries in a small flask on her belt. While she never drinks to the point of being black out drunk, she does keep herself buzzed enough to be numb to her emotions. She dislikes brash people or anyone with an ego larger than their own head and has a distaste for all outlaws, but is willing to use them to get her revenge. [b][color=goldenrod]Backstory (optional):[/color][/b] Hannah doesn't talk about her childhood much. It was happy and typical of a well off family hoping to move their children up in the world... but it was nothing compared to the exciting life she had chosen in the plains. Her husband, a rancher who had run into her in Kansas City on a drive, had been everything her father had not wanted for her. He had been full of life, a smooth talker, a man who couldn't stand to spend the money in his pocket, and a sun-blistered man. Mr. Sherrer had wanted her to marry a lawyer or a business man in the city... not some cowboy who would never be able to provide anything except rolling hills, cattle, and children to her. But Hannah was smitten and the two were wed. She relocated to the Bennet homestead where Jeremy and his siblings had carved out a successful life in the sea of tall grasses. Hannah was happy. For years. Even when Jeremy would go on long drives... even when the threat of Native attacks threatened to burn their lands... even when she lost her first borns (a set of twins born too early). But she was never as happy as she was when her son, William, was born. He was perfect... and was perfect until the day he was murdered. It had been a dark afternoon, a storm threatening to roll in. Jeremy had just returned from a rather successful drive and the family had just pulled their cart into the homestead with many supplies from the city when a group of bandits showed up. Words were exchanged, guns were drawn, and William was "accidently" shot. Jeremy attacked, taking out a few but was ultimately shot in the head, and Hannah was ripped from her dead son's body, raped, beaten, and left among the ashes of what had once been her family's house, along with her brother in law, who had been shot in the leg, and her sister in law, a young girl who also had been violated. The next weeks turned into months... turned into a year... and while her husband and her child's faces grew faint in her memory, the faces of every single one of those bandits was burned into her memory. What passed for the local authorities did not have any leads and made it clear that there was nothing further they could do... so, after gathering up her husband's guns, ammo, horse, and hat, Hannah left the ranch in search for those who had done her wrong. She was not interested in bringing these men in for justice... she was going to make them vulture food. [/hider]