Ambriosus was stunned, not just by the conviction in her words but the determined glint in her eye. It was frightening, and almost infuriating. She wasn't going to save anyone, not by herself, and he wasn't going to help her. He didn't want to, nor would he be able to. She was resigning herself to a death based purely on honor and a sense of obligation to some oath she took, and it was...admirable. Infuriating, but admirable. "Wow. Inspiring. Absolutely moronic, but inspiring!" He clapped his hands slowly, giving her the most condescending look her could. And then he sighed. He knew he couldn't change her mind, so he wouldn't try. "If you want to die, fine. Your funeral." "Take us to the exit, and then you can go." He rubbed the nape of his neck, a rather annoyed expression on his face. "Go and die for whatever stupid reason, but get us out of here." He didn't have time to try and talk sense into her. If she wanted to die a dumbass, so be it. But he and the newbie were going to get out of here. "Don't worry, when we get out of this death trap, we'll make sure to tell other kingdoms, so they know where to find your body." He mocked her, but he meant it. This was the type of thing others needed a warning about, lest it happen to them as well. Asmond nodded his head in agreement. "M-my uncle...he's in servitude to a duke. He's got the connections to get the message out fast. Nothin' but a few day's ride from here." "Perfect!" Ambrosius slapped the man on his bag, losing his attitude. "Finally, something smart was said, from someone other than myself!" He performed a mock bow in Rahne's direction, his hand on his chest and the other extended outwards. "Lead the way, lady-thing."