[hider=Timemaster 🤣] [center][img]https://img.wattpad.com/36a098d2b05a65c7be216e6656475a94ccae5deb/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f68324979784d394a426f5a5a68413d3d2d37372e313632633138633835363138373430393535393432303133343933322e6a7067[/img][/center] Name: Eric King Age: 25 Gender: Male Height: 5'11 Weight: 190lbs Ethnicity: Black American Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Religion: Agnostic Occupation: Unemployed/Dropout/Felon 😔 Ability: Time Control ⏳ - Eric can stop, rewind, and fast-forward time at will. When stopping time, the world remains frozen. Eric can't start a car or use a phone as the functions require the progression of time. While rewinding time, Eric can only play his actions in reverse. He can not change the past by any means. This is more like rewatching past events to get more clarity on an event. While forwarding time, Eric is unable to move, making himself vulnerable to the world around him. To others, he would appear completely still and unmoving from hos location. Background: Eric was born and raised in Los Angeles and was groomed towards becoming a star athlete by his parents. All throughout his youth he heard "UCLA", "LA Lakers", and "NFL" for his future. Despite his focus on sports, Eric had the grades to attend advanced placement classes. Things were lined up quite nicely for the promising young man until he was involved in a texting and driving accident that got him charged with six years in California state prison for vehicular manslaughter. The experience left him hollow in the beginning, he had lost everything because he attempted to multitask. And someone lost their life. So much time was lost and so much potential wasted. When he was finally released, the most he could get into were temp jobs. He managed to move out of Los Angeles and to Oakland where the standards of living were much cheaper, plus there was a lot of work in San Francisco. When the energy storm hit, Eric didn't get any cool superpowers like some people did, at least not for the first two months. Only a few weeks ago, he discovered he could control time after a drive-by shooting in his neighborhood occurred. He saved two children that day. It was one of the few good deeds he performed because after that, he used the ability for himself. He wasn't perfect, but he was swindling enough people to quit his day job. With his power being harder to detect, Eric felt like an invisible master of the world. He wasn't a hall of famer, but maybe he could be more! [/hider]