[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Ieyqqbj.png[/img][/center] [center][color=9966cc]Ayaka Meru[/color][/center] [hr] Eventually, minutes would pass by and during the third Ayaka would've finished her plate. She hadn't eaten since the morning and as her body was digesting the food she felt energy return to her system. A subtle burp escaped from her mouth as she sat, slumped against the back part of the chair. she observed the room and took a breath to herself, their cat commander to the side on a window sill and the others helping with books. It was almost normal before the teen remembered the question she was going to ask. After the stranger had left and the feline had spoken their spiel. Ayaka's mood changed rapidly and she stood from her seat and spoke clearly. [center][color=9966cc][i] "So. In review of the situation-- " [/i][/color][/center] Before continuing Ayaka's eyes began to glow a subtle purple as she snapped her fingers. The room wouldn't change but there were clear panels of transparent purple energy surrounding the doors and windows. Sound would not escape this room unless magic had pierced it. [center][color=9966cc][i] "Continuing-- In reviewing the situation, you had failed to reveal a critical truth that ended in our near failure. Although no one was hurt, we encountered an assumingly unforeseen disaster that ended with the arrival of two new enemies bearing the same powers likes ours. Due to this faulty knowledge Yuri and I had experienced near-death situations and if it had pursued we may have even lost our cover to what possibly might be our greatest enemy yet. When we all gained these powers we devoted ourselves to a grand cause of helping the world from dangers unlike anyone has known, we committed ourselves to a future that everyone could live peacefully and with this, we took on the possibility of near death. This whole situation would've been fine if you had... just simply not known about it, but clearly, you do. " "And I'm not looking for apologies, I'm looking for the hard truth and a promise that you trust us and that we are prepared for the worst of the worst. We need stability now more than ever and this discourse-- if continued will ruin us from the inside out. "[/i][/color][/center] Ayaka takes a breather, a large exhale escaping from her mouth as she finished her dialogue of a stern nature mixed with a cold demeanor. She was tired and wanted to be prepared for the next coming attack and there was no [i]if[/i] it would definitely come.