[quote=@Eviledd1984] [hider=Matilda Ironsword] (Make Matilda join the Imperial army and apart of the civil war) • Character Name: Matilda Ironsword • Character Race: Orc • Gender: Female •Character Appearance: [img]https://i.redd.it/j4c0bm86r2n41.jpg [/img] • Short Biography: Matilda was born in Mor Khazgur living with her father and two older brothers, Her mother having passed away giving birth to Matilda. In her youth she was trained to fight by her master named Kreel Silvershield, being more skilled in two handed weapons, archery and blacksmithing. As a teenager her family moved to Markarth, her brothers became mercenaries while Matilda helped her father with his blacksmithing. Doing this for a couple of years while still training with Kreel who joined them later in the year. When she came of age she joined the Imperial Legion, hoping to help keep Skyrim safe. However she was soon thrust into war with the Stormcloak Rebellion happening. During her many hours of combat, she wields a long and heavy sword called “Mortifer.” However with the defeat of the Imperial Legion she was forced to flee to Winterhold under the name June Copperhammer. Working as the local blacksmith that immigrated from Orsinium. While being a blacksmith, her other occupation is working with the resistance to try and overthrow the Stormcloaks. •Personality and General Disposition: Matilda is loud and brass wanting to be the center of attention, whether it be good or bad she will do anything for people to notice her. She loves to fight and is willing to instigate one with strangers, However she knows when she would not have a fighting chance against someone. Using a tough-as-nails attitude to push people away from her, She rarely connects to people on an emotional level using her brassiness to deter others from getting close to her. The only time she is willing to get close to someone is if it is her family or someone she can trust enough to get close to. • Allegiance/Loyalties: Imperial Legion/ Imperial Resistance. • Equipment/Gear: (Weapons, armor, accessories, unique items, perhaps an inventory if you’d like.) -Mortifer (Two handed iron sword) -Heavy iron armor -Gauntlet with mounted crossbow -Crossbow bolts • Skills and Ability: During her time with Kreel and her father she is skilled in two handed weapons, archery, heavy armor and blacksmithing. Kreel also trained her on how to fight in hand to hand combat in case she loses her weapon. [/hider] [/quote] Accepted.