Winter’s Edge. Vera’s quick feet hurried her along the safe path through the woods. The path of the small winter hardened flowers called ‘Snow’s Mercy’. The light blue flowers with their white inner petals were the only thing that seemed to hold the creatures at bay. Her free hand shot up to her neck, making sure her wreath was still around her neck as she made her way down the slope and towards the village. It was Tribute day and she was running late. A small town at the edge of civilization or at least that of the Auryon Empire. Winter's Edge is run by the Elders, a small council of the village's most prominent men and women. In order to survive the cold cruel winter's all have to contribute to the village's stores, in form of offerings. Each villager offers something unique and this allows for goods to be traded and shared amongst themselves. For they have none to depend on but their own. Travellers rarely come so far out and you do not want to be caught outside during nightfall for murderous creatures roam the lands and control the woods when daylight fades. They seem to be particularly drawn to technology, which perhaps is a blessing and a curse in one for it keeps the Empire at bay, but to be terrorized by these creatures is not for the faint hearted either. Only a small little flower seems to hold these monsters at bay and are therefore worn by everyone and placed everywhere. Wreaths are hung around doors and necks to safeguard and protect and for now it seems to hold on, but the days grow shorter and the nights grow longer...Winter is coming and the creatures have grown bolder.