Vera’s quick feet hurried her along the safe path through the woods. The path of the small winter hardened flowers called ‘Snow’s Mercy’. The light blue flowers with their white inner petals were the only thing that seemed to hold the creatures at bay. Her free hand shot up to her neck, making sure her wreath was still around her neck as she made her way down the slope and towards the village. It was Tribute day and she was running late. It had been difficult enough managing the flock after her father’s passing and gather enough for her toll every half year. Her offering of wool and frost berries would have to do. Seeing the trees become sparser and the first thatched roofs coming into view she released a sigh of relief, hopefully she would still be on time. As the sack bounced against her back she hurried down and towards the village centre. But as soon as she stepped upon the first stones that marked the village’s boundary she heard a soft whistle that made her look to the left. “Well, well if it isn’t Vera Ramsley, I was beginning to think you wouldn’t make it.” Sam teased her as he came out with his ‘offerings’. Samuel Hunt was a young man who always had been rather reckless and fearless, though Vera couldn't help but think half of it was sheer stupid luck. Sam was raised as a Huntsman and as a skilled hunter his offerings were ‘of the forest’. Rabbits he managed to snare, squirrels he managed to lure and trap and fowl that he was able to shoot with his bow. He had often helped her out when she had trouble finishing up before the deadline and now of all things he was making them late. “Well I won’t be able to make it if you’ll be keeping me Samuel Hunt.” She said reminding him of their haste as she briskly moved on. “Ho..Hold up Vera!” The young man said as he hurried after her. They made their way to the townsquare where the tributes were handed out and the offerings were taken in. Just in time it seemed, Sarah shot Vera a nervous glance and seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. "Ramsley! Vera Ramsley, bring forth your offering." Slightly out of breath she set down the sack and apologized for the poor quality of the wool. The Tolltaker merely raised an eyebrow and his assistant checked if everything was in order, before he nodded to her and send her to the other table to fetch her tribute for the coming winter. Breathing a sigh of relief that it was over Vera stepped aside as she heard the next name being called up. "Yazuki, Chris Yazuki step forth and bring your offering." With a curious glance Vera looked on from the other table as she watched a man step forward.