Kay let Serena read through her notes before she explained to her what she had wrong with her. Hearing the list be as long as it was made Kay make a face that perfectly conveyed the word 'yeesh!'. She was about to say something when she noticed the marking on her hand and she couldn't help but gently take Serena's hand and check the marking over. "Huh...I wonder what this is all about" she remarked, showing Serena. "Do you have any idea?" she asked her. Chas listened carefully to what the doctor was telling him, making sure that he got everything so he could relay the information to the girls correctly. Hearing that it was almost a close call a couple of times didn't make CHas feel great mentally but he was glad that his mate still kept fighting and pulled through. "I'll make sure he rests up. Thank you for all your work and saving him. I should go tell the other two. They're worried sick about him" he explained.