"guess it's yet another thing to add to the list of questions" Kay replied, before noticing Chas was back in the room, whilst Serena best her to asking how John was. She hoped it wouldn't be bad news and just wanted to see him already. "he's doing alright, they're just finishing up now with him and he'll be brought to the opposite room soon. He's got concussion, and broken ribs. He did have a dislocated shoulder but they've put that back into place and managed to get all metal out of him as well. Was touch and go a couple of times but he pulled through. He'll be out for a while but okay" Chas explained, before shaking his head at the question, "but as for the markings? Not got a clue. Bound to be something at the mill house in one of the books though. My best guess though? Something to do the bonding of each of you or something. A bonding of working side by side. But without anything to Co firm that it's all speculation." he added.