[hr][color=pink][sup][h1] [center][img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/5cc829a78477bd71fbeff33a4aab4e2f/tumblr_p40hrdrP7x1v15bzho2_500.gifv[/img][/center] [b][center][color=90B1EE]BATIA DISTRICT[/color][/center][/b] [/h1][/sup][/color] [hr][indent][indent][sub][COLOR=90B1EE]Information[/color][/sub][/indent][/indent][indent][indent][indent][color=E3EBFB]Located in the often disregarded Bachjret Ward, Batia District is home to one of the remaining and largest communities of batarians in the Citadel. While often seen around the ward, they are self-isolated from the general public. There are several theories among the residents, but the most popular one is that the Hegemony surveils them without the Council's knowledge. But, it's most likely that they choose to be with their own since the Citadel species disregard them as ignorable. However, the batarians have been rather outspoken of human residence within both the district and ward. Humans, meanwhile, began moving into Bachjret Ward shortly after investors from Bekenstein started to finance the ward. Batia District was renamed to Sabina District as a signal to the Citadel species that humanity had big plans in place. The name change was so widely disliked by the residents that a petition was released, demanding that the original name remained. Currently, the petition is expected to be heard by the Council in six months due to it being a low priority. But, for the most part, humans are somewhat respected and treated decently by the residents except for the batarians. Strangely, the district also features a sizable krogan population that resides within the lower levels due to their disdain for the Citadel species and constant profiling by C-Sec officers. The persecution got terrible enough that they assigned Trok Strigora to be their spokesperson regarding krogan matters. Strigora might be the only krogan able to tolerate other species long enough to hear them out. As a result, clan Strigora often finds themselves having to deal with C-Sec captain, Marcetis Caelcus, over complex issues that have existed for centuries.[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent] [hr][indent][indent][sub][COLOR=90B1EE]Bachjret Ward[/color][/sub][/indent][/indent][indent][indent][indent][color=E3EBFB]Bachjret Ward is the fourth arm of the Citadel and home to a recent influx of humans. Originally, there was a solid batarian population in the ward before the Hegemony closed their embassy and severed diplomatic and economic relations with Citadel. Most gathered their belongings and left for batarian space, but some chose to stay behind. Those that remained weren't making enough noise for the Citadel species and C-Sec to noticed. That was until humans began moving to Bachjret at record numbers. And the recent influx hasn't helped calm both sides down. Plenty of humans are suspicious of the batarians believing that they are working for the Hegemony to sabotage their chances in the ward. While the batarians are concerned that the humans are working with the Council to evict one of the remaining batarian communities on the Citadel from the exodus that happened twelve years ago. There are now concerns that tensions between humans and batarians could escalate into something consequential. In response, C-Sec increased patrols and assigned more officers into the ward to maintain peace and stability. Bachjret is ranked one of the poorest wards in the Citadel due to an economic depression occurring shortly after the batarian withdrawal. Although the influx of humans is reviving the local economy, its turbulent history causes investors to focus on the other wards instead. But with the success of the nearby Alliance planet of Bekenstein, human investors began to look for opportunity at the Citadel itself and found out about Bachjret Ward. With pressure from Ambassador Udina and the human embassy on the Presidium, the Council eventually granted humans the rights to develop from the already existing districts within the ward. However, the Council requires that any modification to said districts respect other species living there. To ensure that they had as much freedom as possible, the humans selected Batia District due to the low population of Citadel species. But, they didn't realize about the batarians until the paperwork was filed. Nowadays, relations between both species are strained at best and openly hostile at worst. But so far, neither side has caused violence to the other.[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent] [hr][indent][indent][sub][COLOR=90B1EE]Locations[/color][/sub][/indent][/indent][indent][indent][indent][color=E3EBFB]Livilla Towers - Renovated Residential Tower, location of the former C-Sec safehouse Pordonak Markets - Popular marketplace for batarians and other residents, located near Livilla Towers Haven - Nightclub within the lower levels, favored by almost everyone Docking Bay: E10 - Dock that allows civilian frigates to be stored, location of Kingslayer's frigate.[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent] [hr]