From his vantage Point Giovanni noticed to spikes that normally indicated a bankai release. The first was in the middle of the battle and was followed by the eradication of a good number of hollows. The second was accompanied by a eruption of water that he could see from where he was shooting. Judging by the cold feel of it, it was extremely powerful but the one he was fighting with it disappeared. Oh well, hopefully that meant this invasion would be just about over with the leader gone. But chances were it would mean that the hollows he was controlling would go back to their mindless selves and get even more wild. As if on cue there were several hollow shrieks and several broke from the chaos and started rampaging in Gios direction. of the five he only shot down two before they were close enough to warrent him drawing his sword. thankfully he had prepared for this, having activated his shikai a while ago he drew his now glowing blade "ROAR" he slashed in an horizontal arch unleashing a semi guided blast of energy that took the heads clean two of the remaining three, but the last one jumped. this one had some semblance of sense it seemed. but that wasnt he issue, the issue was that while this one was trying to occupy his attention others were coming as well. he held his hand out toward the jumping hollow and his sword to the approaching ones. from his hand he let out a Hado 1, Sho which pushed it back farther into the air, giving him enough time to launch a Hado 32 Okasen, wide yellow arch of energy from the blade of his zanpakuto, at the oncoming horde to take most of them out. then turning his attention back to the now falling hollow a Shakaho was all it took to take it out. with a bit more breathing room he took a step forward and tried to regain his line with his original strategy but would use Bakudo 9 Geki to hold some of the quicker ones still to kill them.