[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/njPG8eh.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210420/7161bf858c241d15cf7be40b1adcab9d.png[/img] Mt. Justice Base: Lounge Interactions: Whoever cares[/center] Zach entered the base. His eyes were a still red and puffy from the crying. [color=darkviolet]”maerc eci!”[/color] He said in a pained, quiet, raspy voice. Unfortunately, no Ice Cream was summoned. He still hadn’t fully recovered from the punch to the throat. [color=darkviolet]“Stupid bitch...”[/color] He muttered as he went to the kitchen. Since his voice wasn’t working too well, he had to make his own ice cream. Nothing felt better after a rough day than a bowl of ice cream. Thankfully, the base had some ice cream. It was only vanilla, and they didn’t have fudge or whipped cream, but it would do in a pinch. After making himself a bowl, he walked to the lounge, and sat on a couch. He did notice the members of the other group were there, but Zach didn’t bother acknowledging them right now. He sat there eating his ice cream, and occasionally sobbing still.