[Center][Img]https://www.ebony.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/omari_caro_original_57419.jpg[/Img][/center] [Center][Img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210522/caa241bb2d585997f1a0c0c1d82ea631.png[/img][/center] [Color=crimson]Time:[/color] Late Morning [Color=Crimson]Location:[/color] FEMA Camp, San Francisco [Color=crimson]Interaction:[/color] Jason [@chulance] [hr] The stranger repeating Marcus' thoughts back to him, momentarily stunned him. Did he say that out loud? No… No, he did not. As the realization dawned on him, he cocked his head slowly to the side and narrowed his eyes. Even with his retort back at him, he pondered his next move. A telepath could be of use, but being distracted wouldn't help him here… Because not only did this man claim to have located Angel but he also mentally and physically dominated him with his ability. After being momentarily choked, Marcus was thrown back, falling onto his back. People shouted in both awe and fear. Phones were out and eyes were glued to the scene. With a sigh, Marcus stood up with a scowl painted on his face. [Color=crimson][i]I should tear the head off this… No. I can… You can hear me huh? This place is burned. Meet me a few blocks down in Buena Vista park if you really want to work together.[/i][/color] Marcus gave Jason a single nod before turning a around and zooming off in the distance. Good thing the park was close by, so he didn't risk heating up like he had before. The flames were a bit too much sometimes. He hid his arrival by slowing down between a cluster of trees before he settled into a casual walk as pulled out his personal phone for anything useful or important. The case on the mobile device was thicker than usual, possibly meant as a guard in the instance he overused his ability. [Color=crimson]"Donovan?"[/Color] She was one of the few company types he let have his personal number. He felt she was cut from the same cloth as himself. Sure, she lacked powers, but she was still one of the most efficient professionals he had come into contact with. [I]You know I quit, right?[/I] [I]If you're still down. Botanical Garden in an hour. I'll find you.[/I]