[center][color=39b54a][center][h2]Ullross “Ross” Vallath[/h2][/center][/color][/center] The tall man watched as more people began to stroll in. stepping towards the far wall and scanning those that stepped in. a short and stout dwarf that had a mechanical outlook to her. She had begun to call out the possible danger or severity of the mission when she cut herself off. [color=00a651]“Been a while since I have seen a speechless dwarf.”[/color] He commented with a smile. The next he saw was a human or elf? Maybe both? Tall and lanky. Illusions, appraisal, and Intel, at least with this one it looks like it could do well at disappearing into a crowd. A lot better than he could, Ross tried to keep his exploits in the OMR and RAF secret but it wouldn’t take much for someone to look him up and give him away. The shaman seemed interested in Amanda as well, even the trickster mentioned it. The man toyed with an old tomahawk but Ross wasn’t too worried. So far only a few of those that were here looked to have any combat experience, [i]“Micheal Crane[/i].” The shaman introduced himself. The one that followed him looked familiar but still gave off the feel of a deity. His travels took him too many places over the last thousand years and ever so gradually faces became blurred. The orc was at least familiar, locking eyes with her for a moment and nodding. The slight acknowledgement was all he would give her. A few years ago he came to her looking for help with his sleep. By that time he already knew he wouldn’t be able to change his form anytime soon. Still, her presence was good not only would it be moral support for the others but she could be useful if it came to hearts and minds. Sometimes having someone help an enemy or someone we were trying to befriend could gleam more information from them. This fay would prove to be quite perceptive, not only approaching him without any worry but she was able to accurately detect the magic that was connected to him. “[color=00a651]That’s Dave don’t mind him. He’s just a hitchhiker or parasite that latched on after we killed the leviathan.[/color]” The gloom that surrounded him darkened for a moment as if the dark form understood him insulting it. Honestly no one could tell him what the thing was and it wouldn’t communicate with even the oldest seer’s. It was something impossibly old and entirely too strange for some of them to even comprehend. Regardless they all agreed that whatever it was, was the reason he couldn’t shift and was attached to his soul. The small colorful girl trailed off to another that had snuck in while he was talking. The energy this one gave off made him have to think. This one was also familiar and was also giving off the same feel as the other deity that came with the shaman. He knew the man was there during the battle but he wasn’t sure as to what form he could have taken. He was sure they would be able to talk about their origins later. Amanda spoke up again and answered a few of the myriad of questions the others berated her with. Ross wasn’t too curious he was well aware of the capabilities of the mechanical race. This didn’t lessen the interest he had for them but his words were more personal and this was simply not the place for it. As he was contemplating where he should stand another female with a pointy hat and flowing clothes walked in. she had a bit of arrogance in her body language. A specialist for sure in what field he could only guess as the glyphs and wards imbued on her person reacted to the magic in the air. A strange one for sure but didn’t look to be too much of the approachable type. Not like him, Ross has been called stoic and intimidating in the past but this one seemed more annoyed or superior to the others. That kind of attitude was useful as long as it was directed correctly to a given task. The dwarf seemed to break away from her stupor when the fay girl called her cute and asked if she could hug her. She continued with offering a hand shake then introduced herself. The last name sounded familiar but he would find out later as to why. While she explained what she was here for it dawned on him that he had not given a more specific role and now that most of the others had done so made him feel off. At least the dwarf and her ability’s seemed very useful with what they could be dealing with. The deity that came with the shaman soon began to speak of creation stories when he was asked. The shaman did not seem too concerned by him but due to the general feel of the deity Ross could only assume that he was some sort of trickster spirit. He came to this conclusion by the way it spoke and then broke a coffee table. [color=00a651] “For those of you curious I suppose I should also be more forthcoming with my information.”[/color] Ross spoke with a loud enough voice to only just be loud enough for everyone to hear. [color=00a651]“I am a senior field agent with the OMR in the European sector, it should be noted that Amanda is still the team leader and therefore outranks me. My specific mission parameters other than what we are all here for is one. Keep you lot from dying, not to be confused with Dura who is here to keep you all alive. I assure you there is a difference.”[/color] He paused for a moment then continued. [color=00a651]“And two. I am responsible for containing or destroying any occult magic or cult items that we come across that has ties to the leviathan. If you find anything like this do not touch it and report it to me immediately.”[/color] The man seemed to be satisfied but before finding a seat spoke again, [color=00a651]“and for all those that it might matter to I am a Dragon and have been watching the mortal races grow for a very long time. So if my methods seem old or barbaric at least you know why.”[/color] Ross found a seat near the wall and continued to look about the room before settling on the trickster that was still singing and dancing around the room.