[hider=Viktor] [img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/54fcca1fb0aa6dd420d89497d1afba71/fc268c7d83e03ac5-ab/s640x960/cecd7e12f13c6cf63d7ef1769e3e00e1bebde23d.png[/img] [color=39b54a]Name:[/color] Viktor Seyer [color=39b54a]Age:[/color] 19 [color=39b54a]Human/Feren:[/color] Human [color=39b54a]Nationality:[/color] Vindrell [color=39b54a]Role:[/color] An archer and strategist, excels at attacks from a distance and situations where intelligence is key. [color=39b54a]Weapon:[/color] His preferred weapon is the bow and arrow, but is equally as skillful with a crossbow. Also has a pair of throwing knives. [color=39b54a][b] Strengths:[/b][/color] [color=39b54a][i]Cunning:[/i][/color] Silver-tongued and sharp-witted, Viktor can talk his way in and out of almost any situation, a skill he started honing since childhood, when he had to convince the bigger kids to not beat him up, in the event that they caught up to him. Years later, he managed to adapt this skill to his everyday life, using his wit to get whatever he needs and push him ahead. [color=39b54a][i]Lightning-Quick:[/i][/color] While he lacked muscles and physical strength, Viktor found a way around having to use either of those with his quick feet, whether it be for dodging attacks, or running as fast as possible from the confrontation. [b]Weaknesses: [/b] [color=39b54a][i]Not A Team Player:[/i][/color] Viktor never found it easy to get along with others and get them to like him, but he does have a talent for getting the exact opposite reaction. Uncooperative, sharp-mouthed, sarcastic and never missing the chance to antagonize anybody he dislikes (a category which encapsules most people), Viktor is more likely to willingly plant the seed of discord on team-setting than play along for the greater good. [color=39b54a][i]Scrawny & Weak:[/i][/color] Despite his agility when running away from the bigger kids, Viktor knew he didn’t stand much of a chance once they caught him, and it hasn’t changed drastically over the years. Of slender built, he lacks the physical strength for most confrontations, having to rely on other skills to put up any fight. [color=39b54a][i]Selfishly Paranoid, Compulsive Liar:[/i][/color] While always on the lookout for his own skin, Viktor found it easier to assume that everybody else in Chroma was out against him. Being a bastard in a family with more Nils than they could ever know what to do with, snakes and vultures came at him from both the inside and outside. As a defense to that, Viktor weaves whatever web of lies he needs(or wants to, really) to push himself, his goals and needs ahead. He also, on occasion, does it for fun. [b]Skills;[/b] [i][color=39b54a]Advanced Archer:[/color][/i] After realizing Viktor would never take anyone down in a one-on-one fight, his father gave him a bow and arrow. That he was able to work with, honing his craft tirelessly for years, until it became one of his favorite things to parade and brag about. Intermediate Knife-Thrower: A skill taught to him by his best friend, Aaron, in their early teenage years. While he couldn’t stab a man’s eye out from a mile away, it was still a fun trick, and one that reminded him of easier times. [color=39b54a]Personality:[/color] With a flair for dramatics and an incessant need to go out of his way to antagonize his peers, Viktor was never very well-liked for his personality. He was a bastard, in the literal sense, but many would describe him as that in every sense. The way he saw it, he had two choices growing up: he could bow his head down in respect when the Lady of the family berated him, waiting for the acceptance that would never come, or he could take advantage of the fact that it was far too late to get rid of him. Quick-witted and with a borderline sadistic enjoyment of watching people get uncomfortable, upset, or downright furious. Going out of his way to ruin somebody’s day quickly became his favorite hobby. With an unwavering sense of self-preservation, Viktor carefully built the walls surrounding him. He could be funny and entertaining, and even superficially charming, when the situation required it, or he could be downright cruel. He’s a bit lazy, having grown with some comfort, but gets easily obsessed and determined when a goal is set on his mind. Naturally mistrustful of all people, he can count on one hand the number people he’d ever considered his friends (the number is one). Extremely dedicated to the few things he loves and has passion for, like politics, archery, and the history of Chroma. [color=39b54a] Background:[/color] Born a bastard to a wealthy family in Kharan, Viktor was considered lucky to make it past his first year of life. His father, Nero Seyer, could have simply thrown him off the mountain, but chose to bring him home, where he announced to his wife and his other 3 children that there was a new addition to the family. Of course, he was never really family, as all of them would go on to remind him. After that first kindness, Nero had none left to spare for Viktor. He was a cold, distant man, even to the children he claimed, but Viktor could count on one hand how many times he’d spoken to his father a year. Despite that, Nero still allowed him to live in the Seyer Manor, located deep within the mountains, one of the biggest and most luxurious buildings the city had to offer. Naturally, he slept on the smallest room of the house, next to the staff’s lodgings. This was a requirement made by Niekene Seyer, his father’s wife, lady of the house, and the person who hated him most in the world. Thanks to her, Viktor kept these truths in his mind at all times: he wasn’t part of the Seyer family, no matter what his last name was, he wasn’t part of anything at all, and he was only alive because Nero was too good a man to put a child out of it’s misery. He had very little contact with his half-brothers and half-sister, Lucio, Marius and Ola, and whenever he did, it wasn’t exactly friendly-sibling-bonding time. Viktor could tell they disliked him as much as their mother, and Lucio was the only one who, every once in a while, found in it to be kind to him. As it went, Viktor spent most of his childhood isolated, with only his tutors for company. It allowed him to discover his mind, however, which he quickly learned was much better than the average person's. It didn’t rival his sibling’s, it outperformed theirs- the day he realized this, was the first day of his life where he felt like more than an unwanted burden. He didn’t share his brothers’ love of fighting and brawling, but he shot an arrow better than any of them. He couldn’t sing or play the lyre like Ola, but he knew of politics, history, science- he’d never outdance her, but he could outspeak her. Being better than them, no matter at what, was his first form of rebellion. Rubbing it in their faces was much sweeter, though. When he was 12, he had a new love in his life: terrorizing them. He had watched the people in it closely, he knew just what made them tick, and what made them angry- and Viktor’s biggest joy was making them angry. An off-hand comment about the boy-next-door being in love with Ola, or switching out Marius’ shield so it was way too heavy to lift, and even making the 3 of them believe the other were planning on offing them(this was his proudest accomplishment, he laughed and laughed for months over it). On the bad days, he’d outright verbally attack them to their face. But the latter would often result in Ola being a snitch, and Niekene beating him senseless. At 15, almost every kid inside the mountain had fallen victim to his antagonizing. That entire time, Viktor had one friend, Aaron, a thickheaded boy who was born under Yan’s light outside the mountains. He was big and strong and well-liked by the other kids, all things Viktor was not, but he thought Viktor’s antics were equally as funny. Aaron remained as the only person Viktor cared about, until his 18th birthday came and swept the rug from beneath his feet. He would often wonder what the last straw was, but that day, his father proceeded to have the longest conversation the two would ever have: Viktor was a man now, though he acted like a bratty child. Nero and the rest of the family had had enough of the lies, the jokes, the insults and the lack of respect. He was no longer welcome in their home, and the only way he ever would be was if he joined Echo and became a Hunter. His mind and tongue failed him this time. He froze, no words came out except for ‘yes, sir’. He had talked himself out of trouble with his father so many times, but that day he didn’t even try. Viktor packed the little and precious he had, and set off, without saying goodbye to the family that hated him, and without saying goodbye to Aaron. [/hider]