[h1] Dean Winchester/Annabeth/Cason [/h1] Dean’s eyes continued to widen as the rest of the room seemed to come to terms with what the demon had said about Lilith. The name alone sent chills down his spine, both from fear and absolute rage. Shuttering and closing his eyes, his world began to spin for a second, as Cason’s voice answered both Mika and Esme, “Ah. There it is…my purpose. Of course I’m not in cahoots with that bitch. I want her dead like the rest of you, I’m assuming.” Dean continued to breathe deeply with his eyes closed, “What do you know about Lilith?” “Everything. And…what her connection to this one over here is. It’s a song Sammy knows all too well.” Annabeth’s head perked up, her eyes still on Sam as they narrowed into anger. Cason continued, “Oh yes. There she is…she…” Dean stepped forward and punched Cason in the nose, sending him to the floor with a groan and a laugh. Dean shook his hand from the pain and groaned as well. “Stop with the smartass remarks, asshole. Get to the point. Why are you holding this poor girl hostage?”, he spoke low in his chest, which made Bobby stand from his spot on the couch, prepared to reach out a hand. “Hostage?! Ha!”, Cason cackled from the ground, spitting a little blood before continuing, “I’m the only reason she’s still alive. See…the only thing Lilith wants dead more than you, which she succeeded at, need I remind you, is all of them. And your sis...well...apparently she's just the easiest bait in the world.”