[@an abomunist] Quillow is really interesting! I like him so far, especially the sin-eater quality of his trinkets and commitment to removing painful memories, even by force. I'm intrigued by the way his commitment to non-violence leads to a heavy use of the mind trick, a tool which—in my opinion—is far more invasive despite being less physically disfiguring. The medicalism of the process is really interesting especially because it's achieved through a tool of the far more spiritual Force. And I don't know if you've read [i]Light of the Jedi,[/i] but if you haven't, this quote might prove interesting: [hider][quote]Avar suspected he was considering a use of the Force right then, however—what most Jedi called the mind touch, and he called the mind trick. He found it a more honest way to describe what was actually being done. Elzar would lift two fingers in a subtle gesture and touch Marlowe San Tekka’s mind with the Force, and then Marlowe would do whatever Elzar said next. The mind touch was a tool of the light, Avar knew, but she preferred indirect approaches to such a focused intervention in another person’s path. Elzar had his reservations as well, but viewed the technique as a way to open people to the truth, to provide clarity, to allow them to feel the will of the Force. To put it another way—he was a problem solver, and the mind touch certainly solved problems.[/quote][/hider] There isn't much that I would change off the top of my head save some small verbiage choices that don't obscure meaning too much—otherwise, he looks solid!