[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/6J09G9E.png[/img][/center][@Heartfillia] Well, at least Ryker now seemed pretty unfazed, compared to his initial reaction. Still, knowing she owed him a new jacket didn't make Mara feel much less guilty. A charred sleeve was much more minor than burned skin, but she still felt the need to make up for it, and her budget probably wouldn't stretch that far. [color=ffec42]"Yeah, and hopefully they'll actually help us with that learning,"[/color] she muttered, with a glance towards the pavillion. The suspicion that this summit would consist more of talking than anything productive hadn't gone away. With all these people gathering, she needed something that would take her mind off of such thoughts. Her gaze settled on the big fluffy German shepherd, Sascha, and her expression softened. An undeniably cute dog, and she could see why the little girl and the guy with glasses were so eager to pet her. Mara inched forward, but stopped. No, it wouldn't be worth it. What if she hurt the dog? Or one of the people nearby? Besides, Sascha probably wouldn't take too kindly to someone who'd shocked her owner. Keeping a safe distance as she watched, Mara hoped the cute scene would calm her enough that she wouldn't cause any more problems.