Eros almost bounced on the spot as Lytse spoke to him, he went to answer his question before he noticed the Bouffant coming towards them. [i]"Oh no."[/i] He whispered and lowered himself to the ground, almost digging his hooves into the dirt as he felt vines coil over his hooves. Haripho stopped in front of Niccia and Michael as they stood in front of Eros. [i]"Move so I can get the child back to My Lord."[/i] Haripho almost ordered, Niccia glanced back towards the smaller Pokemon and narrowed her eyes. "Why? Is he not allowed to enjoy being around other Pokemon?" She asked, instinctively putting her hand in front of Michael as Haripho flicked his ears and narrowed his eyes in response. [i]"You're wanting to defy your Fathers Orders?"[/i] "And you're just going to take him away?" Niccia almost snapped back. Carrish grinned as Bear wasn't too harmed by her Shadow Ball, and bounced slightly when he rushed at her with Punishment. She lifted her arms up in an X shape as he hit her with the attack, feeling the ground at her feet crumble slightly as she was pushed into the earth. Once his attack finished she pushed her arms out to throw him back into the air with a yell. Manderva gave a small smile as Mindy seemed to think before she spoke. "If you ever travel to Sinnoh-" She started before she glanced towards Michael and Niccia as Arceus' guardian seemed to be speaking to them. "-Or if you travel with Niccia while she completes her Trials, then I'm sure you'll see where my brothers and I stay." She said softly, "I would love for you to see it, all three lakes are gorgeous." The two brothers nodded silently, both of them watching Michael and Niccia carefully. Gavin was looking away for a moment as Nethan nodding, he took another sip of his drink. He glanced to his friend and then followed his eyeline and noticed the Bouffant. He straightened up and stepped towards the group quickly, putting his drink down safely before he made his way to Michael and Niccia, knowing that there was going to be a fight soon. He let out a whistle for Soul, and the Absol was quickly by his side following. "Hey hey!" He called out as he tried to come to a stop, tripping on a stick and slamming face first into the grass beside Michael and Niccia. Lecrero watched his Guardian carefully, sitting on his tall chair- Darkrai always called it his 'throne' but he never saw it as such. He almost verbally cursed at himself for thinking about his bastard of a child, he moved his attention back to his guardian and straightened up as he watched Niccia seem to be defending the brat of a hybrid. Frosiien looked to Andy as he spoke of Ho-oh, "I can take you to-" She paused as she heard Gavin, looking over to the Bouffant and frowned at the expression on his face. She noticed the Pokemon Niccia stood in front of and glanced towards Lecrero as he watched carefully from his chair. [i]"Shit."[/i] She said out loud, "This isn't going to go well." She said as she grabbed Andy's arm gently to pull him along. "It was nice talking to you Dera!" She called as she darted towards the group as well. Luna looked up from her drink towards the portal for a moment, a strong wave of worry flooded through her body. Instinctively she held Lily close to her as she looked around for Ra and their son. "Stay quiet Lily dear." She said as she slowly stood from her chair, where was that Steel Lion bastard? Whatever commotion the Humans were causing wasn't her priority, and if Arceus wanted to get into it, he was more than welcome. "Ra!" She called out as she fanned her wings, which had hidden as her dress, out to gain a bit of air to get a better look for her husband and child. Tarian slept in Ra's arms quietly, he squirmed as he heard his mother call for his father, but he stayed asleep. The now closed portal seemed to spark again, starting to warp as if it was about to open. Everyone was here, why was it opening again?