[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210324/c514e8101f58f889421092edb63edaa1.png[/img][/center][right][sub]April 10th - ???[/sub][/right][hr] There was a certain point where it seemed easier to just clamp his hands over his ears than listen any further to the cat... girl... thing's explanation of the shit creek they'd just drifted up without a paddle. He didn't know what 'corrupted' meant, or who she could possibly mean when she said someone close to him, or what that made him tasty to demon hands. Last he checked, nobody he knew was friendly with some giant shadow monster, unless it was Hoshino and his new tail, but kitty seemed to think he was on her side. Daigo believed her too; if he wasn't, he probably wouldn't have bothered to pull Daigo away from the mirror, futile as the act was. The glowing thing she pulled out of his chest was more worrisome anyway. Was Potential what made Hoshino look like that? Daigo didn't want to be turned into... whatever his new friend was, but if devil horns was the preferable transformation, he'd hate to see what corrupted potential looked like. And of course, the only way out was blocked. The redhead stayed rigidly in place until the girl had walked away. Friendly or not, he didn't want her anywhere near him until he figured out what exactly was happening, and maybe even after that. It didn't sound like anyone really understood what was going on, and everything Mira, apparently, explained left him with more questions than answers. Genki at least seemed to take everything in stride, or maybe he just had a good poker face. He looked like a good person to hide behind for the time being; at least he was still fully human. Then again, if that hand wanted Daigo specifically, he wasn't sure hiding would do him any good. Quite franky, he wanted to pass out and rip up that stupid contract he'd signed while he was asleep if [i]that[/i] was the cause of all this. William couldn't just put 'evil hands will murder you' in the fine print and expect to not get a complaint or two! [color=ff9933]"Hinari Daigo,"[/color] He introduced himself bashfully, [color=ff9933]"Um, thanks. For trying to help. Sorry I got you all roped up in... whatever this is."[/color] The boy fidgeted with his sleeves, keeping his gaze downturned rather than make eye contact with anyone. Once he'd collected his confidence a little, Daigo upturned his head and forced a sheepish grin, [color=ff9933]"I'm sure we'll be okay."[/color] He didn't believe it for a second, and his resolve faltered as quickly as it came. [color=ff9933]"So how do we kill a shadow?"[/color] Might as well get straight to the point; more questions about where they were only led to more answers he didn't like and more stress. If they had a chance, it'd be less time spent in this place. And if they didn't... well, same result. [hr][@Asura][@RiverMaiden][@Lord Orgasmo]