John had tried to ignore what Dean was saying. The kid was just rogue, lately. It was harder to ignore when Mary was brought into it. But, the boy sulked all the way to Minnesota, which meant he had plans or he was extremely angry. The most likely answer was both. As he pulled into the parking lot of the hotel, he kicked the brakes a bit to wake both the boys up, Dean groaning. “We’re here? Finally? Great…”, Dean groaned. He gathered his jacket and quickly opened the door. “Dean! Where the hell are you going? We got a room on this side…”, John started. “I’m going to get my own room. I’m not in the mood to listen to you give your speeches tonight. Alright, Dad?” Dean answered back, throwing a hand in the air before heading to the office. He pulled out his phone, opening the message from Kenzi for the millionth time and sighed. After the clerk at the counter threw him the key to his room, he thanked him, pulled out his phone again and shot a quick text to Kenzi, “Room 320…Knights tower, if you wanna save some money.”