[h3] AnnaBeth and Dean [/h3] Annabeth nodded at Natalia, removing her hand from Sam’s arm. She smiled lightly at the comment about Dean, instantly trusting Natalia a little more. Honestly, she wasn’t normally this skiddish, but since the visions had started…she was just so scared. Add that to having a solid lead on what the visions could be, in Sam Winchester, her mind was a bit scrambled. She then looked at the other woman, Esme. She couldn’t quite feel her out, but maybe if they spent some time together, things could change. She gave her a small smile and a nod. Anything but being too close to Dean. She let her hand drop slowly down Sam’s arm to his hand and released him completely, stepping toward Natalia. “Don’t leave?”, she asked, turning briefly back to Sam. She had a lot of questions for him, as well. But he seemed slippery. Dean reached over, grabbing Mika's hand gently. "Watch her, okay?", he asked, looking her straight in the eyes, "I hate to say it, but she may be a key here..."