“Of course! She ought to have...” Sir Hector starts and pulls up short on her answer, a small blush coloring the center of her cheeks. “Well, no, I suppose she still needs must answer as a knight, I cannot ask her to humble herself so deeply that she would sacrifice her dignity. Hmm. I [i]would[/i] have preferred that she offer her gratitude to our lady for inviting her to join the hunt rather than defend her worth to me. She has taken on the vows of the knight penitent, she ought not be so quick to claim that her actions are of worth. Even if I accept that she should retain her dignity as a knight.” She gives you an appraising look, Tristan. “You are a better judge of character than most knights I have known. Tell me what you think then. Should I give Sir Coilleghille the benefit of the doubt? I will be her hunting partner for the final hunt, if she makes it that far. How much aid should I offer?”