[CENTER][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210119/e22bd06ad7c8eb71800663bf01cd8627.png[/img][/CENTER] [hr] A blush came to Alja's face as Graves spoke, and her eyes widened. [i][color=d1fffc]Wha—Oh, it was when we were drunk, wasn't it...? Bah! No time for that right now! Not important![/color][/i] She took a deep breath in, putting all thoughts of...of—she nearly put her head in her hands—Leaves out of her mind. This was not the time, nor was it the place. She stared out at the cistern, pondering what she would say. The sound of the new waterfall hammered at her ears with a heavy [i]shhhhhhh[/i], and she focused on the sound as a means for clearing her mind. There was something viscerally familiar about how Graves was talking. She stared at the water falling for some seconds, cataloguing her thoughts and organizing what she was about to say. Because she knew what Graves was thinking, and if she could do [i]anything[/i] about it, then she was going to, damnit. "[color=d1fffc]Y'know, Graves...I know you.[/color]" She responded to his bittersweet smile with a worried frown. "[color=d1fffc]I know you a lot better than you think.[/color]" She crossed her legs, pulling herself up to a much more upright sitting position and looking at him seriously. "[color=d1fffc]...and I know you a lot better than I wish I did.[/color]" She held up a hand, forestalling a response and showing she wasn't done before she gave a heavy sigh. "[color=d1fffc]So I know [i]exactly[/i] what's goin' through your head right now. You remember back when we were fighting Arnaakus?[/color]" She shook her head. "[color=d1fffc]I ran in like a crazy person. Probably shoulda died. But [i]someone[/i],[/color]" she laughed a little bit, "[color=d1fffc]jumped in front of the claw. Saved my life. But threw himself into far, far too much danger to save a headcase like me. What kinda girl would I be if I didn't do my best to save you too?[/color]" "[color=d1fffc]And anyway, my life isn't anything special. Not like Leaves is going to reciprocate anyway—I mean, look at me, why would she?—and I'm sure you have people waiting for you too.[/color]" Her frown changed to a kind, gentle smile, and she grabbed Graves' hand in both of hers, squeezing it tightly. "[color=d1fffc]Graves—[/color]" A memory resurfaced from the murk of her drunken night, and stared him dead in the eyes, "[color=d1fffc]—Andrew. You are worth [i]so[/i] much more than you let yourself believe.[/color]"