Mika listened to what Dean was saying, sighing slightly as she nodded at his words. It was true, she did bolt faster than was probably necessary but when didn't she? She was playing a dangerous game with Dean and she knew it. At his apology about his dad, she shook her head as if to say 'don't sweat it', it wasn't his fault his dad came in and cut everything short after all. Even if she was slightly thankful for it as it meant she didn't have to risk bumbling through all her lies to try and make Dean drop the subject. A subject that she knew better than either of them, he would never drop. She tried to look at him the entire time he was talking or moving but it was difficult and every few seconds she found herself looking down at the ground, at her feet instead. Hearing that the case was a vampire case, she nodded once again. She knew as well as any hunter that it really was a case of either or and very very rarely if ever, in between. It always depended on the strength of the nest and how many there were. The fact she had no information on the case they were here for made it difficult for her to judge but the idea of Dean possibly dying on a vampire case didn't sit well with her at all and she tempted to face John to make her go along to make sure she had Dean's back. He may have saved her ass plenty of times, but the same could be said for the other way round as well. She would never admit it, but if they did team up, they worked well together. Yet it was the moment he shoved the note in her face that made her properly look up at him and lean her head back slightly so the words she had previously written on it didn't blur into a smudgy mess. His demand in wanting answers in person with no lies put her on edge but she kept up the charade that it wasn't getting to her on the outside. Seeing him well up, the pain and longing for answers in his eyes ripped her heart apart, if she was anyone else she would just come clean here and now, but she felt she was in too far deep to do so. "I don't know what to tell you... I'm as in the dark about this as you are. Maybe she is haunting you or watching out for you... Maybe she got issues with her cousin sleeping with you.. I don't know, but we both know that there's no way a human can survive that kind of wendigo attack" she said back. Hell, she still didn't fully understand how she survived that fateful night, even now. "but if she is haunting you? Do you really want to treat her like some kind hunt? She's not a monster Dean." she then said. ------------------------------------------------ "dad can I go to the vending machine for some snacks and a drink?" Sam asked, rubbing his hands down the front of his face as he tried to give his eyes a break from reading, with the agreement, he took the money and headed out of the room and went to the nearest vending machine to the room, where he spotted a young girl standing there already. "hey" he said awkwardly, letting her finish getting what she wanted whilst he tried to decide from where he was, what he wanted himself. He had no idea who she was, but she was someone around his age and the fact that Dean didn't want to be near him or their dad because he was angry at John, he figured it wouldn't hurt to briefly talk to someone his age.