Whether it was raining or shining, justice never slept. At least, not until after 9 PM on a school night. Scheherazade's call would be quickly answered, with Kanata arriving on the scene as quickly as she could get there, hopefully being one of the first to arrive to make up for her tardiness last time. This time, she'd get to show off to her upperclassmen, and prove that she's more than just the snack girl. From the entrance of the barrier the rabbit-eared heroine emerged, transformed and ready for a fight. Her hammer was slung over her shoulder, and a white umbrella shielded her from the rain pounding the construction site. [color=FA8072][b]"Hup!"[/b][/color] she would say after twirling her hammer and bopping it against the ground, leaving a tiny white circle that popped up and blew up to the vague shape of a ball with rabbit-like ears. With beady, bean-like pink eyes the bunlet made of pure magical mochi would stare up at its creator, before the hammer slammed into its side, launching it with great force at a Pageless that was occupied with gathering life force. The rabbit soared with a blank expression through the air, another white circle planted on it from the golf swing Kanata had delivered unto it. That white circle would shrink into the body of the mochi rabbit, the construct suddenly doubling in size, a bit more life in its eyes as it angrily stared down the Pageless before colliding with it. It didn't hurt the Pageless at all, but the sheer force of the mochi rabbit was enough to knock it away from the construction worker it had been praying upon. [color=FA8072][b]"Okay, okay, you can do this Kanata, cool introduction time..."[/b][/color] the girl said, slapping her cheeks before pointing at the most stand-out of the Pageless. [color=FA8072][b]"The jig is up, Pageless! You're not going to hurt anyone anymore! Not if Magical Girl Boundless has anything to say about it!"[/b][/color] Kanata said, chest swelling with pride before she resumed golf-swinging rabbit mochi at the Pageless. ...It was almost hilariously harmless, but any of the mochi rabbits that formed would jump at the Pageless, again and again.