Gale waited his turn, sporting a simple outfit. Nothing too fancy, just simple blue jeans with red shoes that had white laces. His shirt was just a plain blue shirt, to match the jeans. At his side was a Riolu, who seemed to be watching the trainers surrounding them very carefully. "Riolu?" The fighting-type spoke, turning his attention to Eclorian, the pokémon's tone being one of curiosity. At hearing his partner's voice, Gale turned his attention to Aaron, the Riolu named after the legendary hero named Sir Aaron, whose name had traveled across the regions. The stories had a Lucario, who was supposedly Sir Aaron's partner. Considering that Riolu would probably one day evolve into Lucario, Gale thought that it was fitting. "What's the matter?" Gale asked his trusted partner, to which Aaron responded by pointing at Eclorian.