[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/4hEyEbB.png[/img] [@PlatinumSkink][/center] "[color=a187be]It's alright Miss Leila. It just means we'll have to try harder to solve this problem. As for what you said Miss Annica, you bring up a very good point. Let's see here...[/color]" Amelia said before bringing out her pokedex and going through it's functions for a few seconds before finding what she was looking for. "[color=a187be]There are Poliwags on this route. It's the only pokemon that might been a Water Stone if one of them managed to evolve into a Poliwhirl. It would probably be interested in stealing Palpitoads. That seems to be the most likely suspect. But let's see if we can't narrow things down first.[/color]" Turning to Palpitoad, Amelia lowered the pokedex down to it's line of sight. "[color=a187be]Can you tell me if there are any pokemon like these that you have a rivalry with?[/color]" She asked it before flipping through the enties of the native pokemon, seeing it Palpitoad reacted to any of the pictures in a more hostile manner.