"Gale Everwulf. Nice to meet you as well, Eclorian. Aaron is my Riolu, and he indeed quite the observant fellow." Gale said, returning the greeting with a smile on his face. "I'm from Galar, and I decided that trying my hand at Project Mew. While life in the Galar Region can be interesting, I decided that this would be the perfect opportunity to try and expand my pokédex." Gale continued, watching as Aaron seemed to enjoy the attention he was receiving from the newcomer. "But yeah, I also heard that the tasks that lie before us will mostly likely be a handful, and I have been trying to recruit some trainers from my Region, but those who joined either want to partner up with someone or want to go it alone." Gale went on. "Riolu!" Aaron said, agreeing with Gale on the teaming up with other trainers.