[CENTER] [img]https://i.imgur.com/0UqZIhe.png[/img] [H2][color=#FFFF4F]TEAM ROSTER[/COLOR][/H2] [hr] [h3][color=#FFFF4F]ADMINISTRATION[/color][/h3] [color=#7626FF][b]Dr. Amanda Waller[/b][/color] [b]Task Force X Director [/b] [i]"Whatever exists without my knowledge, exists without my consent."[/i] [color=#968A95][b]Sarge Steel[/b][/color] [b]Deputy Director & Intelligence Liaison[/b] [i]"The more identities a man has, the more they express the person they conceal."[/i] [color=#C812FF][b]Noah Kuttler aka "The Calculator"[/b][/color] [b]Technical Support[/b] [i]"If you have any trouble sounding condescending, find an Apple user to show you how it's done."[/i] [hr] [h3][color=#FFFF4F]OPERATIONS[/COLOR][/H3] [color=#FFF352][b]Col. Rick Flag[/b][/color] [b]Field Leader [/b] [i]"You gotta hit 'em to hurt 'em."[/i] [b][color=00a651]Count Vertigo[/color][/b] [@webboysurf] [b]Sommelier[/b] [i]"You bureaucrats are too idiotic to understand diplomatic immunity, but smart enough to know who can get the job done."[/i] [color=#8A8A3A][b]Grifter[/b][/color] [@Hillan] [b]Bullshitter[/b] [i]"I play with knives. I work with a gun."[/i] [color=#8A8687][b]Onomatopoeia[/b][/color] [@Morden Man] [b]Foley Artist[/b] [i]"Snap."[/i] [/center]