Scarlet moved back to Amelia and sat down, putting an arm around her. “It’s alright dear…the captain knows what she is doing…” the man in black walked past them, glancing at Scarlet for a moment then looked away. Scarlets cheeks went red, then she looked away and moved a little. Bane shook his head and said “no idea but she always knows…it’s like the ship and her speak on a higher level…I’ve never understood it but it works. I’m more worried this wind hitting her up there…I pray her safety line is secured…” iris looked at Daniel and added “cap had life ropes put all over for storms like this…you tie the end to your waist. It’s saved lives…but only if it’s secured right.” Avery was fighting the storm, stocked to the bone and using all her might to steer her beloved ship out of the storm. She could feel the way she needed to go, but the wind was strong and she kept slipping around, the grip on the helm the only thing keeping her from falling over. Her life rope was tied around her middle, but the knot was getting loose in the rain and wind. She had to hurry this before hey were hit harder.