The bullets fired by the scout mechs pinged off the barrier created by Derrick, scattering to the sides harmlessly as others careened past the barrier and missed their target entirely. The drones were not created for the purpose of raw power. Rather, the intent of their creation had always been lightweight combatants who were capable of exploration and attack. When encountering a barrier like this, there was little they could do to break through it quickly. There was a shearing sound as Freyja's sword bit through solid metal and tore its way cleanly through the first of the machine's inner workings, devastating its functions and leaving both haves of the drone toppling to either side, smoke and sparks rising from its innards. The machine struck by Cadenza let out a low-pitched whine as the joint of one of its legs bent backwards from the blow of her fist, metal twisting and tearing from the blow. It slid backwards on its wheels before toppling sideways, though its weaponry swiftly trained on the pugilist and prepared to open fire! The other two machines seemed to figure out that their attacks had no impact on Freyja, and instead began to train on Cadenza instead... [@PKMNB0Y][@Wayward][@Pyromania99][@thecatinaction]