[h3] Bobby and Dean [/h3] “Alright, then. I’ll go and get some stuff together. We’re gonna need lots of supplies if we’re gonna summon…well…everything.”, Bobby clapped his hands and slapped Dean on the shoulder. He then turned to leave, before stopping, just before the wall, “And Sam…be careful. Demons might know something, but they may not be ready to talk. No groups, if you can help it.” Bobby then walked to the door and exited. Dean turned to Sam, shrugging his shoulders, “I guess I’ll just…stay here and babysit? I’m not sick. I’m not weak. I’m alive and well.” ——— [h3]Annabeth[/h3] Annabeth nodded, taking a deep breath, taking in what Natalia was telling her. Demons were something they apparently had in common. Who would have thought? Demons. She held her hands, almost linking their fingers as she grounded herself. She was alive and this was real. Taking another deep breath, she nodded again, “My dreams…well…the voices started when I turned twenty-three. No warning or anything. I started hearing the um…demons talking about Hell and Dean. I brushed it off at first as just stress, but they got worse. My hands would get hot. My brain would feel like it was melting.” She closed her eyes and sighed, “But the visions hadn’t started until I met Sam. Until then, they just wanted me to find him…but never said why.”