[center] [hider=Desolation] [img]https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/008/899/607/large/yuri-shepherd-landscape-3-copia.jpg?1515991546[/img] [sub] [i] My divine soul is damned, fated to forever wander bereft of ally or friend... For no rest may be found for a traitor such as I. [/i] [/sub] [/hider] [/center] [center] [i] *Stares blankly at my bloodstained hands, golden ichor flowing languidly in the barren silence* [color=red][b]Is this what you wanted?[/b][/color] *I struggle to lift my gaze, my eyes unwilling to focus on the frail and altogether unnaturally small figure lying motionless before me* I... I... [color=red][b]Our blood stains your hands Kinslayer, drenches them, yet you cannot utter so much as a single word in your defense...[/b][/color] *There is a pause as I let my gaze fall to the cracked and broken ground below* [color=red][b]How pathetic.[/b][/color] [/i] [/center] [hr][hr] *I sit bolt upright, my chest heaving. Pressing my palm against my forehead I let out a series of shaky breaths, the weight of my crown more apparent now than ever before* [i]Damn it...[/i] *Balls my hand into a fist before slamming it into a nearby wall, causing the carved stone face to fracture and flake. Withdrawing my hand, I curl up into a ball of sorts and just... sit. Silent and immovable, my mind lost in the memories of a time long since passed...*