Most of the gang was now headed toward town. It was a great relief to Annabelle as she needed to get into some sort of civilization for a breath of normal. Or as normal as her life could get. Though she was a little annoyed that Ben had somehow managed to take the shotgun spot. But she didn't let that annoyance show instead she reminded Gus that Delta needed a firm hand. The horse was as stubborn as they came toward anyone but Anna, this was only because she had rescued the big brute when she fled her old gang. Or rather, they had rescued each other. Anna never would have made it out of there if it wasn't for Delta and the same went for the horse. She was lost in thought when the sound of gunshots entered her ears. It was an unmistakable sound, one she had been around long enough to know it from any distance. She looked toward Ben and then to Pete both who seemed ready to make a move. Though Ben seemed more in thought than the other male. Eventually he seemed to have come to a decision, telling Anna to take his spot on the wagon, which she easily slid into as soon as the seat was available but not before reaching to grab her own rifle, just in case the trouble made it to them. "Be careful Mister Masters we don't need anyone else gettin hurt if it can be helped. That goes to you too Mister Tailor, be safe!" She called the last bit to Pete who was a little ahead of them. "The rest of us will keep headin to town, join us afterward if you can." She looked to make sure everyone was situated before motioning to Gus to keep them moving. Hopefully whatever was happening wasn't too much trouble for them. She would hate to have to pack up and move so soon after getting here. It would be a huge pain especially after only just unpacking.