[hr][Center][h1]Team [color=#7ad7f0]Idiot[/color] [color=Gold]Savant[/color][/h1] Location: The Galactic Bazaar Interaction: Maria, [@The Jest] Mention: Avelyn, [@Starlance][/center][hr] Within this cacophony of fighting, Samuel was working quickly to follow the orders tossed to him. His hands and magic were quick, but he was running dry as there were multiple times he was about to almost freeze up, but hearing he was needed helped him keep focus. His mind was racing, and slightly frantic, not knowing when this would be all done. He just had to continue his part. Tarak was calm and collected, his eyes never broke, his mind never wandered. He was calm and waiting, using the info he got from Avelyn to then give orders was the best he can do. He knew they shouldn't kill, especially with Maria saying the same thing. So he was resorting to using his grenade launcher to fire stun grenades and Phosphorus grenades to keep them from closing in on them. They were both doing well, until the Goblins came. The green creatures were gross-looking, to Samuel they looked like the Goblins from Terran Stories. Their eyes looked piercing and ready to kill, Samuel was slightly worried as they seemed to have been made out of some strange fluid-like substance. His first thought was honestly magic, yet he had no clue, all he could do was fire at them quickly before they came close. As the light lance imprinted on his gun is working well and firing strong. Samuel made a sprint over as he continued his fire, making sure that the little freaks never enveloped himself or the others. Tarak was in a different place when the goblins came. His mind was not in the same space as everyone else, as he looked up he saw the goblins fall and a protocol was already enacted before they even touched the ground: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ZjCvWPtHhI&ab_channel=MrBlackDahiac][b][Music.King.EXE][/b][/url]. As Tarak brought his gun up ready to fire, as started to let loose with his gun. His aim was sharp and his bullets struck true. As his stride forward was calm, he saw the portal and knew where they were going, so he just fired calmly. Even when one of the green monsters nearly jumped his back, Tarak quickly spun and snatched it from the air with his right and slammed its head into the ground, and continued going to the portal. Always making sure that none of the others were left behind. He looked and checked for Avelyn but she was nowhere to be seen. He sent a quick ping to her Omni-tool to see where she is and found she was on the move and seemed to be moving fast. He wasn't too worried for her, she must of found a nice quick way to get home, probably with some explosions in the background. After his quick check for Avelyn, he did a once over on everyone as he moved towards the portal. At this point, everyone seemed alright, all he had to do was make sure Maria wasn't having too much fun with the random little deterrents, as he said over the shared mental link [color=gold][i]'How you holding up? Must be dizzying fighting mid-air like that hu'[/i][/color]. He saw and knew she was doing alright, he just wanted to make sure people were doing okay. And maybe poke fun at their possible misadventures versus these little green gremlins.