[center][[url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/avengeance-heroic-avenger-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210515/0d83f8be50d353516bf3b37eb297adc9.png[/img][/url] [/center] [hr] [Color=khaki]"I um, I'm fine, really... "[/color] Dani stammered quietly. Ryker blinked, so it was her that he heard a moment ago. He glanced over to her mother [B]"Oh, just a case of heat exhaustion. A little bit of water and some shade and she'll be right as rain,"[/b] He glanced back at Dani, he had seen...felt... heat exhaustion before. It wasn’t that. It was something else. If she could speak to him telepathically...could she feel his pain as well from the shock? He didn’t push the issue for the moment, but smiled. [I][B]"She's a little shy around strangers,"[/b][/i] nodding. [B]"Anyways... my name is Fauna and this is Danielle, William, Destiny, and Abagail. Say hello to the nice gentleman, kids."[/b] He smiled at each one with a friendly smile and nodded. However he was noticing how Dani was seeming even more nervous while looking at Sacha. He patted his dog's head with a simple command. [color=62D0FF] “Sitt”[/color] While it was easy to understand he said sit, but he said it in an odd accent. Sascha immediately sat down next to him. [B]"And who do we have the pleasure of meeting?"[/b] Before he could answer he heard Destiny suddenly shout out as she moved forward towards Sascha if she could pet the dog. Another lad came up as well asking if he could pet Sacha as well. With Destiny pouting and saying she wanted to pet her first he scratched the side of his head...She looked the same age as Everly, but slightly immature in comparison. He smiled and said [color=62D0FF]”You don’t have to ask me. You have to ask Sascha.”[/color] He crouched down next to his dog and said, [color=62D0FF]You have to offer her a handshake first. If she does shake your hand, you can pet her.”[/color] He glanced at the boy who asked as well. [color=62D0FF]Same with you.[/color] As soon as Destiny would offer her hand, Sascha would immediately place her paw in it. He smiled and looked up to the mother and stood back up [color=62D0FF]”My name is Ryker Burke. It’s a pleasure to meet you all. This is my Partner Sascha.[/color] [color=62D0FF]Well Miss Fauna, I’m assuming you are the eldest sister?”[/color] He said with a charming smile, [color=62D0FF]”If you do require any help, just let me know, I can cool anything down with a simple touch. [/color]