[h3]Rules: There Are No Rules[/h3] Yuri had managed to stand to his feet by the time Emelia stepped in to help. Using knowledge of spells he understood, he managed to heal the wounds that once plagued his body. Though his mana wasn't at its fullest, he would still do what needed to be done to protect Remy and those in his circle. When Emelia stepped in and activated a spell using her blood, he watched as the effects struck those who dare attack them. The creatures perished, but there were a few survivors, the assassins that had been sent to eradicate them. No doubt Madame Muir had something to do with it, and even in her current weakened state, she had managed to do all of this damage. To hold the power she held in her prime. It wasn't a secret that the Supreme's power weakened when the next Supreme in line grew stronger. Yuri wondered who would take Madame Muir's place once she finally gave in to the grim reaper. After the explosion of power that came from Remy, Yuri had tried his hardest to get to him, but one thing after another kept him from making it. Now that everyone was safe and the assassins were tied up, Yuri rushed to the room he'd sealed. He approached the door, the seals red hot, the door warm to the touch. Slowly opening the door, he moved over to Remy and slowly reached out to touch him on the side of his face. "[color=7bcdc8]Remy, Remy baby wake up. Open your eyes[/color]," Yuri said softly, "[color=7bcdc8]listen to the sound of my voice. I'm here. Open your eyes[/color]." Yuri continued to speak softly hoping that Remy would hear his voice and come to. As he examined the room, his eyes finally fell on Remy's back. It looked like a long burn that ran from the base of his neck all the way down, although the burn turned into a tattoo. Yuri had read about tattoos like this. Buffers. Some sort of binding rune. He knew Remy was an empath, he researched and understood to a degree how his power worked, but he wasn't an expert. He did all he could to understand his boyfriend and figure out what made him tick and what calmed him down. The tattoo was important. Without it, Remy would be in danger. He saw the blood from the burn wound halfway down his boyfriend's back. He picked Remy up and held him as if he weighed nothing. "[color=7bcdc8]Remy, come back to me. I can't lose you. I..[/color]," he paused. Even though they were dating neither had said the words yet. The three words that elevated a relationship to the next level. Yuri was afraid that if he opened that door, Remy might run. Saying the words weren't just so pastime sport, for Yuri it meant more than just a simple gesture. "[color=7bcdc8]Remy if you can hear me, I love you, and I need you[/color]."