[center][h2]Uzamari Ryokan[/h2] [b]Saturday, June 4th 20XX[/b][/center] [hr] [@Taka][@ERode][@Lonewolf685][@I-Am-X] After the events at Nijo Castle, Utsumi and Kuuto escorted the students back to the inn. There was a tense silence in the air when they walked back, and Kuuto was constantly answering phone calls, likely from the other Alliance members. Based on some of the responses, they were asking where Motsumine had gone... Kuuto didn't seem too happy, but that was to be expected given the events. From reports he was given, it seemed that Shinzou had left the area, and likely will leave the city based on how far out he's gone, so then what of the Divine Egg? Was he abandoning it? Still, they didn't have the manpower to pursue someone so dangerous without casualties, of which there were plenty. Nijo Castle was guarded rather closely. Up above, Lorelai could notice her yokai friend Sakichi watching from afar, they may want to talk again later. As they arrived to the inn, there was a palpable bubble set around the group, Utsumi could tell there were questions lingering, and more importantly that these kids seemed to have some stake in what was happening here. [color=0072bc]"Well, I suppose it would be a good idea to listen to you all, before we give you the usual spiel to stay out of trouble... Seeing as it may not work"[/color], Utsumi began. Before anyone could talk, Kuuto turned to Utsumi, getting off the phone. [color=slategray]"I'll have to take off, basically everything fell into my lap after Motsumine left for awhile. What rotten timing... Be sure to report to me what's going on with the students"[/color], and with that he started walking off. A short silence followed before Utsumi turned back to the group, [color=0072bc]"So, tell me everything that's happened. You all must have some kind of reason to have run in there"[/color], he inquired. [hr] [center][h2]Eiseikato[/h2] [b]Saturday, June 4th 20XX[/b][/center] [hr] [color=8882be]"You must be in rather dire straits to be here now of all times Motsy. Well, you better than the stick-in-the-mud you call a friend at least. At least we're able to talk over sweets and tea, but you have gone through the trouble of refusing them today..."[/color], Kuzunoha raised her fan, covering her mouth, waving it a little before snapping it closed as she swung it on her wrist's arch. [color=8882be]"So tell me, to what does Eiseikato owe the pleasure of the Leader of the Kyoto Alliance?"[/color], though she did not present any malice or hatred, there seemed to be an acknowledgement of some animosity between the people that these two lead. [color=fff79a]"Many apologies, it has been many years and I am aware it may have been rude to refuse, but time is of the essence. I had deigned to come myself, rather than send a Yatagarasu representative, as this is not merely a report, but a request"[/color], he began. Kuzunoha's brow furrowed ever so slightly, but she kept silent, letting him continue. [color=fff79a]"To not mince words, we request the assistance of the Eiseikato yokai. Up until now, the Sennen no Matsuri had no power, and so we were able to suppress their activities, but lately they have obtained new leadership, and mysteriously, have begun to gain power and traction. I am sure you of all people are noticing, new yokai coming to this fine city have reduced greatly over the past few months, and so I believe it is-"[/color], [color=8882be]"Enough"[/color], Motsumine did not alter his expression, merely stopping with an open mouth, then slowly closing it. There was a tense pause as the two locked eyes, and it was clear that the expression upon the young onmyoudo was grave, his carefree smile was not present. Kuzunoha snapped her fan open again and covered her mouth as she looked to her side, as if pondering. [color=8882be]"Of course, I had some inkling that this was your purpose here today. You will not be getting Eiseikato's cooperation. This is a city for yokai to live in peace, not a military fortress"[/color], Kuzunoha stood up from her cushy bedding, walking down the stairs now, her impossibly long kimono trailing behind and beside her, a slit revealing only her sandals with each step. [color=8882be]"Do you ask the people of Kyoto the common man, woman, and child, to fight your battles?"[/color], she asked. Motsumine looked down, she was right. This was not that kind of place. [color=8882be]"Of course not... And so, Eiseikato will stay as it is, a city for peaceful yokai to live out their days"[/color]