Chas agreed that he definitely needed a better way of storing chalk, or most things for that matter. He let JOhn do what he needed to do, trusting him fully in what his expertise. At the question about Serena, he glanced down at her, "Serena? You still with us?" he asked her, trying to get her attention. It took a good ten minutes before her name was called for the order, making Kay look up, put her phone away and walk over to the collection point where she grabbed the boxes, thanked the staff member and left to head back to the hospital. Something didn't feel right on the way back which made her out of instinct speed up her walking pace to a power walk. She felt like she was followed so she quickly darted into a corner alleyway and hid just to play safe and when she figured it was safe enough she came out of hiding and into the hospital, heading straight for John and Serena's rooms.