[b]NATALIA, SAM AND MIKA[/b] Sam wasn't surprised that Bobby would want to get whatever he could get his hands on to summon whatever yanked his brother out of Hell. He let Bobby leave after explaining the gameplan would be and nodded back, "Always am Bobby" he replied back with a typical 'Sam' smile. He then turned back to Dean as he said about staying put which made him smirk. "Oh come on Dean, like you'd complain being surrounded by women so soon after coming back. You got your sister, your girl and whoever that Esme is that you seem to remember." he replied to him, before getting a mischievious smile on his lips, "Hope Meeko don't get too jealous" he teased, before making a swift exit back into the main part of the room. Natalia listened to Annabeth, feeling thankful that because she opened up to her, that Annabeth felt she could open up to her back and explain when all this began. She found it curious that the voices started happening when she was twenty three years ago, swearing that similar for Sam also, but she didn't need to say any of that just yet. "How curious" she replied to her after she was done talking. "Seems like we need to find out why we all needed to meet. It's definitely not a coincidence that you were brought to me first. Don't worry, we'll figure this out" she told her reassuringly. Whilst the boys were talking behind the wall, Mika was busy listening to what Esme had to say about when she met Dean, making her raise an eyebrow in a curious manner. Sure, there were many days where she herself didn't allow herself to be on the same case as Dean, especially in the beginning as she was mostly hiding in Bobby's attic and training to be a hunter in secret whilst pretending to be dead in the hopes that Dean would just move on from their childhood friendship, but it never happened and now they were adults, she was glad he didn't give up on her. She still wasn't particularly proud of making him think she was a woman called Kenzi, but at the time she still swears that it was necessary. "Oh right" she simply said as they got well and truly distracted by Annabeth's situation. "I'll do all I can to help also" she said lastly to Annabeth after Natalia opened up to the woman and Esme also offered her help. She was surprised that Natalia opened up so easily, she was usually more closed off than even herself, which for those who knew Mika and Natalia, knew how telling that was. It was soon after they spoke to Annabeth that she noticed Bobby and Sam exiting the room, seeing that finally their little private chat was well and truly over.