[quote=@Caldizar] *I move to take a step forward only to find myself stopped as my head bumps into one of the rafters supporting the roof above* [i]Ah, I always forget how small and compact humans like to make their structures. It's a good thing I hadn't been at my full height before going through the gate...[/i] *My body shrinks itself to something more closely resembling a human in size, though I remain imposing nonetheless. Turning my attention towards you, I offer a friendly smile* Excuse me, but I appear to be a bit lost. Could you tell me where I am by any chance? [i]And why I have ended up here, in a human structure of all things. Did the others intend to hide amongst them after they had fled? Or was my transportation interrupted somehow?[/i] [/quote] *Raises an eyebrow* You're in the old lady's tavern. Looks like you managed to get here.