Kay did not like the idea of them sneaking out during the commotion downstairs, so when Serena countered his idea with sense and valid points, Kay nodded in agreement. "she's right John. As much as you wanna get out of here, you're in no state to be able to leave. You got really seriously hurt and you almost died a couple of times on the operating table as it is. I'm with her on this one. We need to try and wait it out until morning like normal pstie ta for once." she said, backing Serena up. She also knew as much as she would love to heal John, the level of his wounds would probably completely wipe her out. "we just need to make sure nothing happens to your seal" Chas spoke up finally after hearing both girls disagree with John in the way they did. "so I'm with the girls on this one. Three against one John" he added. "two of us are able bodied and can make sure everything goes okay" Kay said once more.