[@Kale19], I'm guessing you're fairly new to rp. Everyone is new sometime. So there are some things we'll try to teach as you go. 1. The other characters haven't reached the conference room yet. It's great that you read through other people's posts, but you're jumping the gun a bit there. I've given them a few days to post on the walk there if they want. 2. There are parts where you mention Ryker and Fauna saying and doing certain things. Controlling another player's character without their permission - you may see it called "god modding" - is one of the biggest no-no's in RP. You are free to declare that unnamed insignificant NPC's take actions like that, but not another person's character. That includes named NPC's, too. 3. Less important than #2, but the thing you put in parentheses would be better placed as a question in the OOC or Discord than the IC post. Overall, we're here to build a cooperative story together. Everyone has a story to tell, and nobody is the main character. If you have any questions about what to write or big ideas you want to pitch to the whole group, please reach out in OOC or Discord.